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/me bug
well i uselly join some kind of gang and what happends is lets say im pink in color if i do /me [text] its ganna be pink but when u join gang my color changes correct? then u get changed to lets say blue and if u type /me [text] its still pink but if u talk normally ur blue

pink blue are just exsamples though :)
afaik it's not a thing we can change, /me = a SA-MP thingy.
Or, maybe it is.. since 0.2 the join/part and killlists aren't standard, they are scripted.. Maybe is /me also scripted.

Anyway, it's not that kind of "large" bug that it needs to be fixed directly :)
Erm, afaik /me has never been an SA-MP command, everyone scripted it into their gamemodes the same way. :+
ahh well just helping out :)
Tested it out, bug confirmed. The bug is listed as number #78 on our Trac.
and fixed