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We want your Nickname!
you can send it over to me perhaps i'll sign this petition
the original letter is probably lost by now... let's do a new one :+
We tried, it failed. We tried again, that failed too. You're more than welcome to try though.
Not Big BUMP but,
Where is the Paper now?
I didnt read all pages, so tell :D
(06-27-2015, 12:04 PM)Cyrix404 Wrote: We tried, it failed. We tried again, that failed too. You're more than welcome to try though.

I don't get it why on earth should it fail.... It's not like it takes a lot of time to write your name and mail it to someone else... C'mon people, it's a good idea, don't let it get wasted!
So, who will start again?
I am the one who had the letter, however I sent it to a certain player who I won't name, and that specific person did not forward it.
Good luck touching a letter with zezima's cum on it
(08-29-2016, 10:14 AM)Shark Wrote: Good luck touching a letter with zezima's cum on it

holy fucking shit!