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[introduction] DarkBankai
[Image: DarkBankai.png]

My sa-mp history starts almost 3 years ago.....

The noobish tale
Back then my nickname was indianu_modern

I can never forget how I was camping only with deagle and no armor in front of north burger(the one near the ocean,in north of LV) with my real life mates:Gugster , Lilkiller and kenny.
I can never forget how all I knew back then was to db and to helikill(counted as normal kills).
I can never forget how we were teaming against  one pro player who  was always beating the shit out of us.

....spiritual pause....

I started playing sa-mp on littlewhitey cuz I didn't knew about LVP.First few months it was only fun,then it started being serious business.I started looking for new friends,except those from RL,I was looking for new tasks.
LWZ wasn't a rp server,but that's how I felt on it:I chose a rich guy and  started killing in his name,for money.

Anyway,things got boring and I left sa-mp for few months,time when lilkiller continued to play and he got pretty good.
When i restarted playing , he was a lot better than me so I had to learn how to fight.This is when i changed my nick to Drunky and i learned to use sawnoff in combat.
Switching wasn't allowed back then.
I remember how,once ,there was a DM event,and I joined  with some of my mates from [187](or something like this,cant remember for sure).
It was the luck that i got to survive until there were only one enemy left,he killed me ofc,but he got banned for switching right after,that's the first time i heard about this word :))
Anyway,lilkiller teached me about switching and he told me not to use it,its not allowed.
After few months,I had some problems in RL and I left sa-mp,again.
When I got back,i changed my nickname to DarkBankai,the one i still use these days.


Soon after,I left lwz and I started playing on lvp for the only reason that I could do easy money(witch wasn't such a easy job on lwz)
From the first day,the clans that impressed me the most were {i}(cant use []) and [BB] ,and 2 months later I saw myself applying to [BB].
This is when I started training for the first time.Nice guys ,will never regret meeting them.
I was denied soon after,1 month later, and doctorG asked me to reopen his old clan NG,and I accepted cuz I had nothing to lose,and instead,I gained a lot!
I got to meet lastrace,solidrock and many others.Even so, the NG idea failed and I managed to create a clan called ReVolutioN and i invited all NG ,most of them joined and we start rolling.
First  thing that I really  regret is that I left sa-mp soon after ,and ReV died.
When I got back on the line,most of my old mates were in T,a new clan created by karizma.So I joined T and I am really happy I did it,cuz i finally got what I was looking for since 2 years ago: new close friends.

I don't regret even for a second that i joined T,and i enjoy everything that my life on LVP gives.

Now,almost 3 years later,I find myself playing on LVP,in clan T,with few good friends ,a bit more skilled(even if I still sux),I feel myself changed!

More info?
Real name: Dorin
Birthday 12:07
E-mail :eu_dorin_eu@yahoo.com
Country :Romania
Clans I was in :187,cB,yF,T...I don't remember others (all of them died,except for the T)

PS: I am sorry for my bad spelling,but showing my english skills its not one of my objectives.
Nice introduction :)
Nice Intro!!!
Sallutare!!! :P
Welcome to LVP! :p
nice into mate good to know about you :)
nice intro mate :D
cool intro bud :)
You've always had my respect mate, i'm really very happy cuz of i've met you. I know you b4 long time ago, we have played together too much with you. About the skill part, your skills are not suck, you just don't play it everyday, and then you can't concentrate, that's all. The same thing is correct for me, for lots of one, too. Please edit it  :+

Gal if yuh gimme de sexiest wine  xD

Ohai Darky, Awesome Intro  :)
Nice intro mate..
nice mates  :)