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I have some problems
Hi everybody,

I have some problems with sa-mp:

1) Every time I quit sa-mp I keep getting (1/sec) message upon eachother wich says: Exception 00000 at adress 0000000 or something and I have to press enter really quick if not I keep getting that message
2) I'm sorry for posting this but I'm too lazy to read all of the site with crash in it: over 7 pages, but sometimes I keep getting a certain message (another crash) again: Exception 00000 at adress 0000000
3) sometimes when I need to check my map and press escape and when I've checked my map I want to press escape again (for getting back ingame) I just get a black window and I can't do anything or my camera doesn't work and when I press twice escape then for making my camera 2 work then its again : a black screen.

Thanks everybody and I'm sorry if this has been asked before & sorry for my bad English

Greetz :)
update: I'm sorry I just checked and found out it shouldn't be here but I don't know how to delete it
have you tryed re-installing samp?
Exception errors are SA-MP errors, not LVP.
Can't help you here, check the SA-MP.com forums.