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some admins on the sever keep abusing me i dont know why.... but jamee and jutd has been jailing me for no reason setting my hp to 0....doing fake kills to me with mini guns and its really anoying

First off all: That screenshot doens't say anything. Ok, you are in jail. Could happen to everyone.
Second: Maybe they had a reason to jail you, but I guess they will post soon.

So, I don't say anything in this topic till JUTD and/or Jamee/other admins reacted and explained what happened.
okay first of all i wasnt admin or mod so i couldnt jail u sencond u killed me 1000 times on ship without any reason so u stay longer when u dont follow the rules!!!!that normal sam!!!lol 8)7 _O- unnessasary topic!!!!!

P.S: there was nothing of abusing sam or somthing like that!!!!so stop lieing to urself :w :w :w
I have kicked you today, because you was VERY annoying to everyone ingame.... stealing vehicles @ cruise, ramplaming and you were pm'ing me with things like, Why am i jail and X not ?, We are the mods/admins, we decide those things !
I'll keep my mouth about your language, that wasn't also well.

PS. Nice picture >> it's full with information of adminabuse ...
$aM, I've seen you flaming alot in the mainchat, and sending alot of non-friendly PMs to people. You CONSTANTLY ramplame.

I don't blame the crew for kicking you. Reason: Laming around the ship / messing the cruise / annoying . (kick)

It was just a kick. A warning. Learn from it, and don't do the same mistakes again.

well i got jail for tp'ing to jamee...
and in a gang war between thugz and B&A jutd wasnt in the gang but he was fighting and he had 100% health keybinded...
[modbreak]Use the modify function please.[/modbreak]
Yesterday I was on and there wasn't a thug or B&A fight. You killed me while I was waiting in a cruise and JUTD wasn't helping B&A, there wasn't anything where we needed help for. You just got the punishment for not obying the rules.
it dident happend yesterday it happend about 4 or 5 days ago
unfortunately, I have no keybinds.

End of story.