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Can't login?! [pass is wrong]
I just registered: Username: YoungRob
but it says my password is wrong!?
I login like this:

/login *******
Whait about like 10 min
If you dint read its says it will take several min until you can login (something like taht)
Or yoy haved registered only on the forum
no, I registerd @ the site.. hmm thanks for the help but still not workin
Then i dont cnow
Or you forgot the ******* LOL 8)7
Can somebody reply please admins? Or mail/pm me my pass or something!
Just be patient, the management are the only ones who can look at the passes and they are usually busy so it can take a bit of time.
If you are lucky, somebody else hops into this topic, otherwise you have to wait ~6 hours before I can check and change the password.
Lazy management bitches :+

Anyways, password reset + PM sent.