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Administrator commands
When the server will be full of players, of course it must be administrated, so we need administrator commands. As far as I know a lot of admin-commands of 2.x are in the /p layer command. I'll be creating a similar command, with quite similar options. I don't know whether there are more commands for the crew in 2.x so suggestions and/or comments are very welcome.

What I'll be scripting:

- /p layer [id] [option]
Possible options:
  • mute
  • kick
  • ban
  • jail
  • nuke
  • respawn
  • fetch
  • freeze
  • watch

- /stopwatch

I'm also thinking about creating a command that replaces the current !eng, !reg, !veh etc commands.
About the kicking/banning, I suppose this needs to be logged, will we use a xml file for that, or does it have to be saved into the database?
Also, when we ban a player, do we want to ban his serial, his ip, or both?

Please let me know what you miss, or what you think should be changed.

PS: It would be nice if a management member can copy this post into the in-game crew section, and copy usefull comments and suggestions from there into this topic, so the in-game crew can have a say in what they would like to see too.