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(05-30-2008, 12:59 AM)Motorola link Wrote: i ve just posted here before fry wtf my post disspaeared  :?
This was most likely due to a tear in the fabric of the space-time continuum.
(05-30-2008, 01:07 AM)Fry link Wrote: This was most likely due to a tear in the fabric of the space-time continuum.
lmao hah.

(05-30-2008, 12:53 AM)Fry link Wrote: That wouldn't be necessary if my hypothetical system were in place and worked perfectly.
which rarely happens ;(
It's a terrible idea anyway [Image: funny.gif]
oh plz, at least i can think of one [Image: funny.gif]

Keep things as they are.
I remember stone_cold ramp "abusing" me after I was ingame for about a week (10-11 months ago).
It was annoying then, but you can get out of your car and shoot theirs down, or drive off to the side or whatever.
As estroe said, its hard to get it to the stage where you're constantly frozen.
Even then, if worst comes to worst, you can /world id then /world 0.

Besides, after I spend a minute or two trying to kill someone, then they get into a car and flee, if I have ramping enabled I may be able to stop their escape and finish the job.
It is a useful tool, keep it the way it is.
i know like your all saying drive to the side and everything drive slowly but it can be hard sometimes for example popped tyres, slow car this is the only reason i put this topic because people do use the ramps unnesscerly.

All the same some of the ideas are great:

Quote:If someone  abuses it like that, there should be an admin command to stop them from using it

For example: /stopramp *id*

would stop them ramping until you do /unstopramp *id*  and you could warn them to not abuse it again or they will  have it stopped again.

Quote:So, if somebody doesn't use the ramp to fly, they're obviously only freezing somebody, which constitutes abuse in my book. Perhaps Jay could implement some sort of check system activated by a timer - if the player doesn't move up in the air <sometime> after the ramp is created, there should be a consequence, safe guard, or something else that's triggered. This wouldn't be as concrete of a solution, because not moving doesn't necessarily mean you were targeting somebody.

Another, probably safer solution would be to simply refuse to create a ramp if there are any players in the current arc of the vehicle's Z angle (that would be players right in front of it) while a player's vehicle is moving under a certain velocity. So, if you're moving slowly and there's a player in front of you, the ramp doesn't get created. It would check the vehicle's velocity against the speed at which that vehicle would not be able to stop short by braking. This would give faster cars an advantage, but would still universally work.

i agree with maddolis...  (lol whats wrong with me today  _O-)

abusing ramps is annoying like using nades... but its a part of the game. also its annoying if a car is running u over... at least it sucks to get killed... whatever. deal with it!  :)
You quoted wikipedia:
Quote:Abuse refers to the use or treatment of something (a person, item, substance, concept, or vocabulary) that is seen as harmful.

So using my sawnoffs to kill someone ingame (harmful treatment) is abuse?
It's a killing game. Lighten up.
mate you know your self the prupose of what it means the game is to use sawnoff to actually help you wheres the help in chasing someone and freezing them in a ramp also killin sum1 with sawnoffs is totally differant to going around freezing then killing  someone .
Please stick to the subject at hand; We are looking for any further suggestions anyone may have to stop this problem.
(06-04-2008, 10:06 PM)Jay link Wrote: Please stick to the subject at hand; We are looking for any further suggestions anyone may have to stop this problem.
We've actually back-tracked to identifying the problem due to disagreements.
We'll have to review our guidelines of what should & shouldn't be allowed here.
We could take a vote, but it would probably end up poorly since it doesn't represent the entire public of LVP
noo you cant take ramps out. one of the best things about this server is the ramps. Like when you is on an nrg and you see a massif building and u ramp up the different levels of it, then you is at top and it is an accomplishment.