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2 bugs
Hell All,

I have found 2 bugs in the game.

1. /massacreprijs [amount] doesn't work after I bought a building place!
2. /bounties [playerid] [amount] doesn't work neither. If I do it by someone the bountie by that player stays 0.
Hi there. I'm not sure about the massacre one, but I know the /bounties command is to list all bounties currently set. If you'd like to set a bounty, use /hitman <id> <amount>.

I can solve the second "bug".

The bounty command that you are using is to see how much bounty someone has on his had.

Use this command to put a bounty on someone's head:
/hitman [id] [amount]
I'll fix nr. 1.
The bounties arent working properly ... because of a bug in the on player death file. .. Therefor you get not money when you kill somebody. So, this will be fixed in the next version,