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= Electronika Clan = [e] We are recruitin' !!! ;)
[Image: 1bfb3758c6f2e4671a48887176a518cf_Wallpap...PG-700.jpg]

= Electronika Clan =

Hello everyone! Im glad to present you this new clan!
We are a driving-oriented clan. We can also fight, but
this is not our first goal.

What is this gang made for ? FUn, skillz and honor :) We
are making races, cruises, stunts and other cool things!


If you are tired of fighting, you opened the right topic ^^

There are 2 ways to join us:
- Temp join
- Normal join[/i][/b]

Temp join:
- Everyone can join

Keep you current clan tag
Join the Electronika in-game gang.
Respect other players of the gang.
Obey the leader(s)'s orders.
...You are an invited! =)

Give your ID
Give 30.000$ to any [e] member to temp join.

Normal Join:
- Only clanless people can join.

Obey leader(s)'s orders
Use the Electronika clan tag: [e]
Make honor to the clan
Respect your clan mates.
Be active! (1 connection/week is min)
...You are an official member of the clan! =)


Member List:


Co Leader(s):

None yet.

None yet.


As drivers, our clan may organize cruises!

No ramps.
Drive carefully.
Respect other players and their cars.
Never shoot a peaceful player.
Always follow the cruise leader.
Try not to lag if you can.


Be careful we are fast ^^

Shooting is forbidden.
Hitting other cars is allowded.

Thread to be continued
Heyhey. I know your real identity, Kaotika  ;)

GL with your clan  :+
Yea Good Luck
who ever you are :X
good luck :P
Thanks to you guys.
I really hope im gonna recruit! I am sure this gang can become funny if i can get enough members. 8)7
:) Good luck  :)
Good Luck
Good luck!
Good luck   
sweet thread. gl