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[Idea]Local/nearby chat
I was thinking since sometimes people would like to send a private msg to everyone around them without pming.

And Argonath RPG has a RP command, call /l. When you do it, only people in your area can read what you say.

So if PM is not working, you can use this.

I though it would be nice for 3.0 in MTA or something..
I could add this, wouldnt be to difficult to make. And it does add alittle rp to the game.
Yeah, and it really helps a lot when your privately talking or just RPing.

(05-15-2008, 01:47 AM)Chris5170xD link Wrote: So if PM is not working, you can use this.

Or, it could be even easier to just fix pm.
But still, /l would still be nice.