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Drive-by stopped
In another topic, badeend said: There is nothing we can do much about drive by'ing...

well, I found this in SA:MP forums...

click me

Lol, I could probably make a better version of that with my eyes closed  :Y) [/sarcasm]

Anyway, thats not the point, What the point is that drivebyers already get punished by far enough how it is. Infact, I was consdiring removing the driveby menu all together. Drivebying is a part of GTASA, and imo I can't see why its unfair. The fact that tyre popping is enabled is good enough to stop drivebyers. However due to the amount of moans I'd probably get from gangs and dm'ers, It wouldn't be worth it.     
Well, I only posted this 'coz I thought that most people wanted to stop drive-bying. I dont really care, just doing my bit for the community