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Infinite health bug
Give a clear description of the bug:
if you type "/pause" before you spawn like when your dieing watching the screen go up you will be paused and you will be able to spawn unpaused and when you type /continue you appear where u died

What where you doing:
I was about to be afk when somone chucked a grenade at me

Where there other players which encountered the same problem:
No, but if they know how to do it they can

Could you reproduce the bug?

Was it only once, or did it happen all the time?
it can happen whenver i want it to happen

Did you try to reconnect first?
No need to.

when you spawn you cannot type any commands in unless you /continue or /doorgaan.

Somtimes when you type "/pause" it will say "You cannot /pause when your (nearly) dead"
i noticed that if u use /pause before a very damaging thing like a nade hit you, you die first, then you spawn, you use continue and you r now when u died. nice bug t revenge  })
idk if its the same bug u r talking bout
I've been trying to reproduce this several times yesterday, it didn't work for me, could die on every occasion. The thing Motorola says is indeed true, that happened all the time.
ok well i edited it and its now not an infinite health bug but still you can appear back in the last place u spawned  :o
ah i know whats he talking about, sometimes when you spawn, the health shines for a big while or it never stop shining, so is like having infinite health, and other players may look this as health refilling, can it be reproduced?
i dont think so. this is more like once a month its a very rare bug.

The correct thing you should do is asking a mod or admin to fix your account, or using /kill