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Ultra Mega Ultimate Server Lagginess. Please solve it.
Hi, when i play LVP, especially when it got 90 or above players, I got an extreme lag like when I get out of ammunation, it took 2 minutes to load, please, Management unit, solve it immediately. :'( :'( :'(
I cannot see how the management would be able to fix lag issues. The bandwith usage of LVP was recently cut down, but lag will always exist. I have also noticed that walking in or out of an interior with a full server makes you lag, but I still don't know if that's something the dev's and/or the management couldĀ solve.
Also, it's nice if you aren't so demanding with comments such as "solve it immediately"...

On a slightly unrelated note, I've also noticed this isn't the first time you open new topics on pretty much the same subject. If you have any questions, please go on IRC and ask - you'll get a response much faster than here. ;)
