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[Video] Cruise 24 March 2007
Made a little video about a cruise organised by Trigger on Saturdayevening.


Enjoy the classical music, it was kind of a experiment so let me know if you like it.
nice cruise.....
[me=oostcoast]likes the music :P[/me]
Looks nice ;)
I was there lol  :) had lots of troubles that night by newbs that can't drive!  :(
1st by entrance of airport by someone with a jeep that ran over me and grove , 2nd near the /race5 first turn, killerbee ran against me (not on purpose) , and 3th , i go up again, in 2nd turn , someone tp's on me,  may restart again :s , 4th time , needed respray , i want to ride in , the guy with the jeep , rams me , car blew... anyway , it was a nice cruise,  rode with killerbee  :D
ps: i'm the one in the red turismo
Nice cruise. I love cruises. Don't know if I was there.  :+
Nice  :D
quite kool ^^
Haha, nice editing, at the end. But i think it was a great cruise, wasn't it? Awesome, we should do things like that a lot more!  :)