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Found a bug
I don't know if this hasn't already been posted as I cbf going through 10 pages of bug reports but..

I kinda got killed in the ammunation spawn weapons selector, and when I respawned, I had the weapons  selector still on my screen, and active.
I could still buy guns, nades the lot..

I accidently done it twice though, once was a accident as I ran through the spawner and went through the door lol, causing it to stay on the screen.

And then the second time, when I was killed outside, and only just made it inside, as i fell into the spawn selector I didn't fall to the ground with death, yet once I canceled the spawn selector I died :(
And respawned with it on my screen.

Any explanations?

(and yes I know I can't spell LOL)
Thankyou for the report. I will get that fixed  8)