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[UNBANNED] unban me
Reason: Well i donno i just logged in the playground server and sore someone running and started shooting then when they were nearly dead i go logged out or timeout or something because nothing was moving. i tryed logging back in and it said i was banned. I donno the right reason but im sry for what ever i have done. (i was not in a shop and no where near the pirate ship)

Date: ummm 12/march/07  Monday
Name i was using: Superman
Person that banned me: donno did not get a chance to see i didn't get a banned message just logged off and when i logged back on it said i was banned

Sorry if i did something wrong now sure what tho hope u unban ur server is the only good one out

I'm the admin that banned you. I saw you spawning near the Police Station in Las Venturas, so I walked towards you, and started shooting. I noticed you didn't lose any health. I started shooting at another player, and he died instantly. So I started shooting at you again, and you still didn't lose any health.

Unless you can prove you weren't cheating, you won't be unbanned in the near future, I guess  ;)
Sry? i was not cheating i donno how to cheat and never will. i donno how to prove it but i come on the server all the time i was on it all day yestaday playing with the rules. The only thing i can think of is if i timedout i timeout alot (firewall). i was jumping over the wall and i sore someone (must of been u) and i started shoot but i did not see u shooting i just sore u in a car then u teleported and i was standing on the wall and nothing was moving. can u plz unban i have never cheated in my life can u plz give me a warning  :'(  :'(  :'( i been playing the server for 3 days now with my m8 'Ell' < his username u might of sore us. I was there when there was a heli hacker killing everyone and me. can u unban me plz  :'(
Hey i just thought when u were shooting me was i standing there or just walking in circles? i tryed to find out wat happend and when i minimize the screen i timeout and walk in circle or just stright on that could of been wat happend but i didn't cheat i swear to god i didn't.  i really hope u unban me i love ur server.
Hi again,

The things you describe can be the truth, and since I asume you just started playing SA-MP, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Normally I won't unban someone this easy, because I only ban people if I'm 99,9%, and up, sure that they're cheating.

So I'll unban you this time, but remember: If we catch you again, you'll receive a permanent ban

Have fun  ;)