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[suggestion]Stop ppl form teleporting
this is no general chat, stick to the topic please
this is no general chat, stick to the topic please

No I mean like a command like /stopteleporters that will not let u tp to that player for 5 mins for example! E.G If you are doing an event like a custom race! and noobs tp and ruin it *cut*


  No please don't make it personal or I will!

[modbreak] Grove stop now. You're going off-topic, and you'll be rewarded with an official warning for that. Also, don't question the admins or moderators - they have the final word. [/modbreak]
Grove! Please stop.
haha, half this thread has become invisable  8)7

ontopic, tp should definitly not be removed! Those few times someone tp's to you to kill you do not weigh in as much as the worth of being able to tp to a friend whenever you want to.
Yeah, it's perfect as it is. Any features added/taken away won't be features, they'll just be ruining /tp  O+
its all part of the lvp server!
Tp is not to be removed in my opinion, a lot of ppl use it to show things to each other keep up with cruises or use it to goto a spot where ppl are making a movie. All these and more activities will become very time expensive without tp!