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Hi There !

Pleas change my nick ingame,from [LVS]Hidda88 to Hidda88.

Thanks,Hidda  :P
[18:06:32] <&Nakebod> !players [LVS]Hidda88
[18:06:32] <&Nuwani> [LVS]Hidda88 has been online for 8 hours and 36 minutes. The player has killed 28 people so far, and has died 66 times him/herself, which makes a ratio of 0.42. [LVS]Hidda88 is a player on Las Venturas Playground, and last was online at 31-03-2008 17:00.

[18:06:48] <&Nakebod> !changename [LVS]Hidda88 Hidda88
[18:06:48] <&Nuwani> Error: There already is a player with the nickname 'Hidda88'.

[18:07:00] <&Nakebod> !players Hidda88
[18:07:00] <&Nuwani> Hidda88 has been online for 6 hours. The player has killed 15 people so far, and has died 44 times him/herself, which makes a ratio of 0.34. Hidda88 is a player on Las Venturas Playground, and last was online at 02-04-2008 17:31.

That's not gonna work.