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Right now, Las Venturas Playground has 12 developers for her new gamemode;
  • Peter
  • Badeend
  • Fireburn
  • tomozj
  • pdescobar
  • Wesley
  • dab
  • ooshie
  • Cave
  • Pugwipe
  • Fry
  • MiliKito

Of these people, only a few are actually doing something. Let me clearify some things here. First of all, you assign tickets to yourself. Noone is going to tell you what to do -- that's entirely up to you. If you have an idea for some kind of feature, discuss it with a lead developer and create a ticket for it if they're fine with it. Nothing is final yet, everything can be changed and if you think something is nessesary, discuss it!

Next to that, not everyone is in our IRC channels (#LVP.Dev particulary) on a frequent basis, which leads to more confusion what everyone is doing. You are the developer, you are in control, if there is anything you need talk to a lead developer, for LUA help you can join #LVP.Dev or #MTA.Scripting on IRC, don't be afraid! If you have to wait a week for someone to finish something, then start another feature in the meantime rather than just waiting. That's no excuse either.

On a more negative note however; the ones who haven't assigned a ticket to themselfes or don't have a proper explaination why they haven't in a week (Tue 18 March) will be removed from the devteam until they can become active again. The new gamemode has quite some priority, and it's not going to finish by itself.

Thank you,