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whole bunch of ideas(Read and Comment)
i have four ideas here:

1st idea:basketball minigame
you could do /basket or something else admins can tell what and we can create or find our own basketball playground i think it should be next to the place where the cops kick you out of the car on the start of the game because there is the basketball playground or you can see it better when you go with OG loc in the mision to kill the freddy vagos guy or whats his name. so you follow the vagos and then he arrives to some of his vagos friends and they are very close to the playground hope you understand what im trying to say. i will try to get a pic. of it

2nd:teleporting machine in your house on LVP 3.0
when a donator will have his own house he can buy a teleport machine so he can teleport free from his house. he will type /htp(h means house) and id/location and he will get teleported.

3rd:wasteland ammunation
little shack like on the jail island or in the first mision in angle pine where you have to kill the witness on the MT chiliad and take a photo of his body that shack can be the little ammu and it can have the ammu poster(ammunation weapons and suplies for example) the weapons there can be more expensive than in city.

4th:running championship:
you can do /run or /running and you can start on the start line and you have to run to the finish. the races should be short so it will not take a lot of time to run!
i hope that i wrote it good and you all can understand.
5th:hide and seek
simply you will hide and 1 guy (or 2) can be seekers it can be on the container ship or groove street,glen park mad dogs mansion. the seeker cant see you on the map or your nickname so it will be hard for him. there can be a time limit too.
No matter how much we appericiate your input and your idea's/suggestions: could you please rephrase your post in a more understandable form? Using proper grammar, punctuation where required so we, as well as other people can understand what you're trying to say. Thank you.
rewriteeeed!!!! u see this???? ;(