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B&A ???
what means B&A,
:D i ques Bassie&Adriaan but that is probably not, is it ???
You quessed right afaik :)
Since there is a meaningless topic, i have to ask, who are the gorilla-unit ? Did the thugz invite some random noobs and changed their name or what? They said they would own us and that it would be hard time for the clowns, but it ended up with the gorillas being owned and leaving the server..... _O-
Are u staying gorillas now ?
[Image: ba03.jpg]

[Image: 216253599_3ee4cee03c_m.jpg]

[Image: 050123_14018_bassie1.jpg]
Hey bassie, whos the guy with u ?
Lol @ the pix
That's adriaan, the number 2 most famous person here in the netherlands.

Offcourse Bassie is number 1

[Image: 226_piloten_gr.jpg]

[Image: 231_ba_kist_gr.jpg]
The gorilla unit is a gang sugaray made for buying the base basically, a 1 man gang, But we all joined in on it, and no, we did not get owned and go off the server, we just went back to coldthugz
Gorilla Unit - What a name :P

Gorilla - Unit or Gangster - Unit is long for G-unit , a rap group , that's rays gang