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Poll: First impressions of the PC screenshots?
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Amazing, better than I expected.
4 26.67%
Roughly what I expected, fairly satisfied.
5 33.33%
You gotta be kidding me, right?
4 26.67%
Console Loyal!
2 13.33%
Total 15 vote(s) 100%
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Grand Theft Auto IV Discussion || RockstarGames.com/IV
(04-09-2008, 10:43 PM)blahc link Wrote: It wont be released for the pc, the VCS and LCS never came to pc  ;(

Lol, but both of them were only released for the PSP right? ;)
Wrong. PS2 versions of both were made.
(04-09-2008, 10:43 PM)blahc link Wrote: It wont be released for the pc, the VCS and LCS never came to pc  ;(

But were any of them really hyped or even cared about like GTA IV? no

Its coming on the PC, it has to :P
i think you need a really powerful computer to run IV.
The "stories" were only made to keep the public happy whilst they worked on their bigger project: IV
(04-10-2008, 04:53 PM)mjaa link Wrote: i think you need a really powerful computer to run IV.

i doubt it, the graphics in GTA IV are not that amazing. Crysis has better graphics than GTA IV :P
It should be about the same as Just Cause :P
i went and paid for the whole game already. i also paid for mgs and i am beta testing the online play for it. :9~
Samp 0.2.5 or any new release of it is just beating an old dog to death.
We've all been there done it for a couple years now. Nothing more to see or gain in playing it imo. Same old stuff just going to keep going on and on and on.Ban,Kick,Mute,& and all the other stuff that usually causes trouble between player and selected admins.
Samp new versions will be like the Energizer bunny once you see him moving around he doesnt do much more then go straight forward or backward. Not to mention the same characters with the same weapons and same city scenes.

Now GTA4 you got something new and exciting to look forward to. And you can guarantee rockstar wont take any steps backward in releasing old or done material. Not to mention the now added multiplayer. Dont forget multiplayer hosted by the game manufacturer for GTA will be a fresh new start & in its infancy. But dont worry they have already checked out samp and know what has been going on. Why do you think they added the multiplayer feature to gta4. They arent dumb.
Once its released for all platforms Samp is going to be just like VC:MP is right now. Only the ones that are admins will be the ppl stuck on it as they wont want to move on to something better and lose the special powers.
Oh well their choice while the rest of us will be enjoying the new GTA4 scenary.

When Vice City came out everyone enjoyed it. They played it, they found the downers on it, Completed it, Heard of SA. Got very excited about it & never really looked back at VC.
Now imo the dev team of Samp is trying to keep the interest alive by shutting down all or most servers before the release of the new console GTA4 game.
They are pumping up the new samp version addons which are only the same stuff but more players & stuff you can see in single player mode of the game. Just so you dont leave for the new GTA. They dont want to see Samp like a ghost town and have all the years of work they spent on creating it go down in the history books. Not to mention lose the admin rights and ownership of the servers and being in control over most of you & their websites.
I believe gta4 will be offering a very nice multiplayer platform. And all you are hearing right now are scare tatics from the ones who have the power.
Just my opinion. I could care less if you want to stay & play a old game or previous gta title. I myself look forward to progressing in the multiplayer scene and will be joining the gta4 game very soon.
Out with the old in with the new.
News... Wait, What?

Website updated!

The official GTA IV website has been updated with a bunch of new screenshots and content, including the launch of the new multiplayer section.

Listen Now!

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GTA IV gets the Bad Cop treatment

While we have seen many overly positive previews so far, GTA IV certainly can't be perfect -- no game is. Luckily there are still some journalists out there who dare to have a slightly critical look at R*'s latest piece. Two of those are IGN's Patch Kolan and Cam Shea, who review the game's multiplayer component in Good Cop, Bad Cop style.

Amongst the things they aren't too happy about are clumsy camera controls, an imbalanced lock-on system, frame-rate hiccups and most worryingly the graphics:

""The depth-of-field blur effect is far too heavily applied to the multiplayer game. Everything that is more than 50 feet down the street from you starts to pixelate and distort strangely, as if filtered through a haze of tiny droplets of vegetable oil."

That is indeed something many people are confused about. In most screenshots we can see blurry, low-detail buildings (not just in the distance), as well as heavy distortion -- especially in areas of water, foliage and shadows -- resembling a quality known only from paintings. According to a recent Kotaku article, those distortion filters are intended to actually improve the game's visuals:

""I suspect there's a filter involved, something that gives the world a touch of artistry. [...] Jeronimo Barrera tells me that Rockstar loves its filters. It helps, he says, fool the eye, masks some of the imperfections that games, no matter how next-gen, will always have."

Whether this is for better or for worse and impacts the gameplay noticably, remains to be something players will have to decide for themselves when the game comes to stores later this month.

Source: gta4.net