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[Unbanned] Banned With No Reason, Money Cheat
I was killing someone when another someone teleports me, another comes here to explain me how to teleport & then when i was running from a cheater it says that im banned for MONET CHEAT, when says that i have the 2500$ at the start when someone kills u, nothing more about great amounts of money, thats wy i ask the admins to get out my injust ban...
Thx lots!

thank you.
Also, leave the tagging up to us, thank you.
Sorry i'll edit me post ^^
I've made another post but the admins closed cos not get the request model of asking an unbann so here it is ^^

Nickname: Vhangu
Date of the ban: 6 of March 2008, around 08:05 AM GTM+1
Suspected Reason: Monet Cheat
Your IP address:

I've explained in another post but i think i'll explain a little here now: i was fighting with someone when i've been teleported to someone, another guy was explain me how to teleport when another whan tries to kill me, then i saw that i was banned & I only have the starting pocket money, the 2500$, soo thats wy y reclaim an unban admins ^^
Thx for ur attemption, Vhangu!
Sorry for double posting but i made a post with all the requierments, u can close this if u want admins/mods ^^

I have fragmented memory of the events of this. I imagine I had a good reason for banning you, but can't think of it. I must have been tired that night.

I will give you the 'benefit of the doubt' and unban you.

But, mark my words, if any player is ever caught cheating on LVP, they will be met with the harshest of punishments.
*merged the topics
*locked the topic (becase DeaKen gave me a box of locks)