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Definition of a Fanboy
I'm sorry, but i had to post this.  Note:  I understand that this is from a Xbox fansite, therefore it is apparent that they are true fanboys, but in this article, which is a prediction about the next xbox, this was just too cheap of a blow and just too sarcasticly stupid to be funny.


"Wireless Access. The Wii may be less powerful in graphics, and the PS3 may be a barren wasteland of actual games we want to play, but the one nice option for either of those systems is the ability to place them anywhere in the house without worrying about the length of an ethernet cable! When the Blu-Ray player... I mean Playstation 3 launched in 2006, Xboys everywhere scoffed at the price. Yet, lets look into the preverbal mirror and see who is really paying more. A 360 launch system. $400 in 2005. A wireless doohicky. $125. An HD-DVD thingamabobber. $175. That's like... a million dollars! Give or take a few bucks."

I admit, i own a ps3 but i got it before the 360 because it was more expensive and i wanted to get it out of the way first. 

but yea, just thought i'd post that because it was funny.  article is good but i got to that part and i was just like, wtf?