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Security of client-side scripts
We could have the server "act" as a client side as well. Just make functions and events from client side that'll relay info back to the server, and run functions that require client side.  This way things aren't at all done client side, but run entirely from server side... That might require more work for the server though :S  Just an idea.
Well, how do we do GUIs server-side then?  8)7

We can't.
(02-24-2008, 12:52 PM)dab link Wrote: We could have the server "act" as a client side as well. Just make functions and events from client side that'll relay info back to the server, and run functions that require client side.  This way things aren't at all done client side, but run entirely from server side... That might require more work for the server though :S  Just an idea.
I don't think that's a good idea. In my opinion, calculations that CAN be performed on the client side shouldn't be passed to the server instead; doing so would cause lots of unnecessary traffic and delay, especially with high pings.
(02-24-2008, 01:00 PM)tomozj link Wrote: Well, how do we do GUIs server-side then?  8)7

We can't.

Well that's what I meant by "and run functions that require client side" is just that I'm bad with words.  We would have functions that'd do the gui creation, but all the callbacks would trigger server side events

(02-24-2008, 01:15 PM)Pugwipe link Wrote: so would cause lots of unnecessary traffic and delay, especially with high pings.

Right, which is why : "That might require more work for the server though "

I donno. That's just my idea :+D