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Disappearing money??
Hi guys,

I've got a small problem. This afternoon [well, since it's 3am here, I should say yesterday] I had around $50mil in the bank [proaccount]. Now I only have a little under $200k - that was the cash I had on me when I spawned in game, the bank was empty.

Does anyone have any idea of what might have happened?

Another question: how do I change my password? :D Just in case someone logged in and transfered my money...
I don't know how that coul'd be happend. :O
U can simply change ur password by going on mIrc, talk to Nuwani, and say
'!setpass 'Name' Your_Current_Pass Your_New_Password'

Without the ' :+

I think u withdraw a lot of money and u dead

this is my opinion :P
Yes, maybe, Halo
But then he should know it.
Nope, that's not the case. I checked the balance before exiting the game...
Hmm, some admin would take care of this.
They got the almighty powers :+
Yeah... I asked ingame, on IRC, now I'm trying here... Weird situation.
Good Luck Mate
i think u inocent of a bug:P
Yes, there is a money loss bug- but we don't know what causes it, if there is something that certainly causes it.
It sucks, just re-earn the money.
Well, you can earn 70 Million in like 3 hours :+
Atleast 3 hours, maybe less, but they bought my properties.

If you want to,
I can show you some good-earning properties.
