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[BUG?] Spawnpoint problems
As I'm sure many of you would've encountered, sometimes when you spawn a bottle / cigarette appears next to you. Most of the time it disables you from doing anything except walking around.

I am sure this is a SAMP bug, and not to do with LVP.

I am asking;
Does fixing the player fix this samp bug?

I don't remember not seeing that little cigar/bottle...

I thought it showed where your spawnpoint was for no reason. It's never glitched me...


And yeah, this is a SA-MP 'bug'
only you can see the cigarette, so you can shoot normally. If you respawn it's gone indeed.
What if it disables your ability to shoot?
How do you know it disables your ability to shoot? You have no guns when you spawn because of the spawn protection anyway, so maybe that's what you think is the 'bug' here.

I think it's obvious that isn't the case.
If it was I would make a topic saying "my wep dont work oh noes sombodyy help meme!"