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some ideas
hey admins! i was wondering how to become a mod and then Nirvana dude told me behave good and i think this is a good behavior to add some stuff and write new ideas...ok here goes...you know the skull in amuunation? it like gives you weaps when u spawn so i was wondering...my friend and i were playing and i bought combat shotgun and he told me whre did u get that i said the skull and that...so why wont u do it like u add a combat that you can buy normally not with the skull...this is the firts idea and second:i was reading a massage that 1 guy wrote:why dont u make the plane shamal like for more people...so what i want to say is that you should do that the shamal plane will be able to take more people! like the cabin with the pilot...what bout the passenger space?
u could make it cuz it is good for the gang transport...you know what i mean somethin like bus that flies...

ok see ya  ;) i hope youll like my idea  8) bye :w