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/massacre minigame bug
the pm is still messed up. it has been switched to 3 seconds. but out of random the /pm can not work anymore. it says "You can only send a PM every 3 seconds" even if its past 3 seconds.
with the /leave thing, it works for every minigame...thats how i got banned about 4 months  ago when i started lvp...i got a rocket launcher from a minigame randomly... coz i started a rocket minigame and my gang said to me that we were gonner do stuff. so i asked them "how do i quit a minigame?" and they replied do /leave, not knowing that i was in a deathmatch minigame so when i did /leave i ended up getting a rocket thus getting banned for having one.  I think thats right... well anyway it does work and it can get you banned.  But cheap people still go into nade, sniper minigame and do /leave and admins don't see it. Like u wanner play sniper maddness and someone leaves every single time. and later on they kill u coz they standing on a building with there sniper rifle.

Is there a way we can stop these bugs? coz they piss me off.

As for the  /pm thing that PISSES me off too
everyone (ilcuding me) at fc (basically everyone) was abusing the knife thing D:
But cloak came  on and xen0n and tef announced next one to  kill with knife not in massacre get's 3 day ban. Later i remember seeing [H]Farepak get banned for it :P
So is this illegal now?
It is, always actually was. It's bugabuse » 3 day ban. Read Farepak's ban-topic ;)
This needs to be fixed ASAP, in my opinion.
The gang member lemmings are starting to catch on.