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[Denied] Unbann plz =(
Nickname: [LTG]BigSkylor
Date of the ban: dec 30 i think
Suspected Reason: Money hack
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i am sorry i will never hack again this is one of the best server i have played on truthfuly i have played on thsi server for a long time but i change accounts what happend was i was press alt m and it give me money i was trying to press alt ctrl delete cause my comp froze then it came unfrozen and it went on so yeah i knopw it is an excuss i jsut reall y dont liek being banned off a great server
Cheating = Life time ban. You were told that while entering the server, you knew the consequences

;( ehh  :S i really am sorry we all should get second chances but i guess ur right cheating is bad and i know you guys said it its jsut i like the server there isnt anything i can do??...??? that is possible? i am really sorry but i understand i guess some things i dont think is right but its not my server so yeah ty for looking at my appeal nice know all  ;(
Dude, im not going to change my mind, if you cheat, you get banned, and stay banned. Im not even gunna make another reply. Accept it
eh ok...  :) :) :) :) :)