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/removechar function doesnt seem to work?
I used /savechar to save my skin.

I assume to use /removechar i must type it then next time I logon, i'll get to choose another skin.
But it doesn't work, i just get the same skin.

Is there a way to change "class" or skin while in-game?

can u save the skin u wear and each time u login it shows skin u saved? (sorry but i dont kno lol)
(12-18-2007, 04:56 PM)Dark_Soul link Wrote: can u save the skin u wear and each time u login it shows skin u saved? (sorry but i dont kno lol)
yes you can.
That's right, but when I try to unsave it (/removechar), the next time I log-on I have the same skin I originally saved.
(12-18-2007, 06:30 PM)BigWoop link Wrote: That's right, but when I try to unsave it (/removechar), the next time I log-on I have the same skin I originally saved.
If you need another char, choose it and then do /savechar and you have that one you choose and not your old char.
If you want to change your skin you don't have to wait until you re-log in.

First do /removechar if you have one saved.
Then press F4 and you should see a message about returning to class selection after death.
Then do /kill to suicide.
At that point, you should be sent to the class select screen and can pick a new skin.
First write /removechar then press f4 for changing your skin. After one death you will able to change your skiin.Choose your favourite skin and then write /savechar so it will be savedĀ  :)
got to try this,cos my character seems to be to slow,i cant run very fast or is that me in real life,anyways i cant rememberĀ  _O-
dang didnt ever thought about that^^but sweet is still at the beginning.