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Lord of the drugs idea from LVRPG1.8
An idea that's not suitable for LVRPG as it's too much DMing. but it's a good enhancement to the gang system.
Here's the outline of the idea:
basically, when a gang owns a gang zone, they can sell their drugs slowly (drugs earned from drugruns etc, and as long as there are gang members online, the drugs in the gang base will decrease, and every gang member gets a share of the money). Each gang zone has an "influence", which is increased by selling drugs, and decreased by being occupied by another gang. Each gang zone has a hot spot, where a member of the gang or enemy gang must stay to change the influence. The speed of drug selling depends on the influence. if influence is 0, the gang zone is unoccupied. When a gang runs out of drugs, the influence will also decrease gradually. Thus gangs must defend their turf to ensure a steady flow of income.