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[UNBANNED]i gave my nick ip etc and i didnt get unban !!
admin that ban:could be anyone ?
reason:/minigame abuse, until now i know that is a bug abuse
date and time:for a long long time wich i dont remember
<Benbmyers> !why ABDULL_XV
<Nuwani> *** Player log of ABDULL_XV (0 items)

<Nuwani> No items found.
<Benbmyers> !why ABDULLA_XV
<Nuwani> *** Player log of ABDULLA_XV (6 items)
<Nuwani> [24/11 04:45:42] (ban by [BA]Xen0n): health cheats
<Nuwani> [13/10 18:53:46] (kick by Stef): 400-900
<Nuwani> [13/10 02:19:50] (kick by cloakster): /kick is sooo much easier
<Nuwani> [10/10 17:45:30] (kick by [XII]TriggeR): 500+ ping
<Nuwani> [09/10 17:12:40] (kick by estroe): Fix ping please

Nice try
very nice...

and something else:

But don't bother to say anything there.
look if its about ping then my ping is regulary 500-800 but i dont lag ....so what ...and as i can see the whole admins (young-old) r kicking me for "ping" .....i played in a lots of servers and no one ever ban me for a ping or cheat health wich i didnt cheat in lv......and by the way why only cloackster and xenon doesnt have a pic for them ... posted
If you'd look good then you'd see the ping 'problems' are just kicks, no ban.

The ban is for a moneycheat, can you explain that?
i got bannd for the healthcheat by xenon(/minigames) and that what was write by the log and i didnt got bannd for moneycheat... its just a bug abuse and i was told that i will be unban soon but now??
Oops, that's what I meant :) My bad.

Let's wait for Xen0n than.
how much exactly do i have to wait for him?  a week !!
I am having some trouble remembering your ban, so I will assume it was bug abuse or something and say you have done "your time". 

* The IP address 207.226.*.* (ABDULLA_XV) has been unbanned.

Have fun playing again.