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[idea for forum] ban zoneeee
I've seen  over maybe hundreds of ban's saying 'my cat was stepping on my pc and put ahcks on it  ;( ;(  Then it got on LVP  :'( :'( then used hacks now i banned!!!' (really this:) 'my brother played MY  pc and he used hacks I DIDN'T DOWNLOAD!!!!  PLZZ UNBAN!!! PLZZZ!!!'
So i had an idea, to maybe stop all of the spam im 'ban zone'  where it says how to post a ban appeal, mayeb make a note saying: ' if someone else used your pc and used hacks on LVP, it's your responsiblillety, plese don't post a  ban appeal if this is your case' Any admin/regular like this idea? (basically just noting that if someone used your pc, don't waist time trying to be unbanned.)