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help, i am banned
Nickname: ahkiiya
Date of the ban: 23 November 2007, between 13:00 and 20:00 PM GMT
Suspected Reason: Unknown
Your IP address:

Extra notes: I was playing earlier today, signed out fine. When I came back this evening it said i was banned. I have no idea why?

Thank you.
I checked your IP, but you aren't banned.
Well, that's strange because it definately tells me i am banned. I even took a picture, lol:

and whatismyip.com says "Your IP Is"

and i'm not banned from other official servers, so i don't know what's going on. Any ideas?
are you just going to ignore me?
i'm still banned with no damn reason...............
Did you try reconnecting? Normally that works if you aren't really banned.
yes, several times over the past few days.
if this is just a bug, would reinstalling make any difference?
Does it still say "You have been banned"?
Yeah, it does
Try joining with any other nickname other than your own.
No response, locking.