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Welcome to the LVP Development Forum. If you can read this, you are most likely to be an LVP developer. This forum is one of the changes there will be in the Developing department of Las Venturas Playground. In the last few months there were a lot of problems regarding communication as well as the actual bugfixing in the gamemode.

Next to Trac and the #LVP.Dev IRC Channel this forum should be an important part of the communication within the developing team. It's actually an extension to the Trac system. For every new feature there will be a topic which contains full documentation about that feature. Each topic should be updated with every bugfix. This way we can easily communicate and discuss changes in features. This is also done so that from now on everyone knows where new functions are located in the source, what they do and how they do it. This will also make it easier to find crashes within a new version of the gamemode. This is an example topic for feature documentation.

To make sure we keep on fixing bugs and creating new features I have asked every one of you to make an estimation of the amount of hours you can work on the gamemode every week. This is to give the management an idea of how many work there can be done in a week. Of course, if in some week you can't find the time to do anything, it won't be a problem. Developing LVP is still voluntary. But if you think this continues for a couple of weeks, of course I would like to know to change our planning accordingly.

Every Sunday evening there will be a beta test and, if possible, a server update.

A list of current LVP developers:
  • Peter
  • Badeend
  • Fireburn
  • JUTD
  • tomozj

Currently we can work on the gamemode about 17 hours a week. Of course this is an estimate, but it shows us how much work there can be done to keep the server up to date. Everyone will have his own topic with a list of owned tickets in the current week. These lists are also available on Trac.

Some little keep-in-mind-thingies:
  • Bugs are always priority 1!
  • Assign only one ticket at a time
  • Test before you commit
  • Update before you commit

If you have any questions, please ask them in this topic :)