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[FIXED] problem with /pauze

First of all, /pauze should be renamed to /pause (I know it is just a detail, but anyway i tell it).

Then, I found some great things that can be done with /pauze.

Commands are not disabled while being in /pauze :
You cannot move/shoot, but you can /tp /taxi as you like.
I found out that you can even get in a vehicule as a passenger ("G") while being /pauze'd. (Say you /pauze, then /tp to someone, then press G). This makes you immortal in the vehicule when it explodes :)  Ive been alive in exploded cars and exploding copters, it was quite funny :)
Once you are in a vehicule, you cannot get out anymore until you /tp /taxi /continue or /kill. (you will never fall from bikes neither)
Available commands while being in /pauze are unfair, because you can also /taxi 6 and buy the Airstrip property while being immortal, for example.

It can also be used to idle at the gang base.. you go at the base, you /pauze, then /tp to some of your gang member there, and stay there "unkillable". Then when you want, you /continue and start shooting at invaders.

It is clear i think that /pauze was intented to be like jail, with all commands disabled except /continue, so i'm sure it will be fixed soon.

Thanks for the report.  *O*
You can be sure we'll get this fixed.
When I paused today it said I was already paused from last time ^^
(02-02-2007, 02:53 AM)Vulkanyaz link Wrote:When I paused today it said I was already paused from last time ^^

Yeah I've had that a few times - /continue does nothing then (to your Pos) so I just hit it and try again.


Sounds like a "little" bug, probably just some check what is disabled somewhere.
I guess it could be updated in the next 2.x update (Unknown release date tho..)
Both /pauze and /pause should work.

The other bugs should be fixed in the next version.