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Account, Stats and Cash Deleted?
Be patient and wait for management to sort this problem out, there is no point in posting endless topics on the same thing.

Thanks, Hector.
At least you're on my side. :)
Incase some of you don't know what is happening:

(11-10-2007, 07:39 PM)cloakster link Wrote: Your hours/cash/account are still there, the server just isn't retrieving the stats. So when this is fixed, everything will be back to normal.
At least there's some dude with brains here.

No commands are working, and the stats are temporary gone. They aren't deleted.

So stop worrying. And start behaving.

End of story.
(11-10-2007, 07:52 PM)Makaveli link Wrote: At least there's some dude with brains here.

No commands are working, and the stats are temporary gone. They aren't deleted.

So stop worrying. And start behaving.

End of story.
Singular?  _O- _O- _O- 8)7 I'm here too, damn it! Lmao. _O- _O-
(11-10-2007, 07:52 PM)Makaveli link Wrote: At least there's some dude with brains here.

No commands are working, and the stats are temporary gone. They aren't deleted.

So stop worrying. And start behaving.

End of story.

Nice to hear =)