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Could some1 help me
I already have send a couple of messages to a admin on the forum of sa-mp.com, but he won't answer me.
so I hope that one of you can post this there too, so they'll ad it


If you got some wanted stars, the police comes with a heli.
Out of the heli will climb a couple of agents on a rope.
Is it posible to make the make the rope climbing action in sa-mp too?
nice idea but when your in gang wars this would be very annoying lol
Maybe a minigame for that?
nice idea :)
Just seems like an annoying thing to me... And I think it'll be impossible, as those polices would work as some sort of a bot (?) and as far as I know, they haven't managed/bothered to make any bots for SA:MP. Anyway, you might want to post a topic @ samp forums instead of PMing admins, the chance of getting a response will thereby increase alot.
Chris, for minigame, what minigame is that whit helis and roped players  _O- ?
Agrees with a Reeves..:P
Well, it can be that Field in the Truth's farm? That's a big enough place, so u gotta would  like kill the guys in a certain time? :P
I'm moving this to the CSI section, so it may be approved by a management member.