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date: 28 october 4:00 pm
Suspected Reason:I believe like money cheat or something like that

Extra Note: ok i withdraw 20 mill but i was wrong only i want 2 mil because i want to buy the gang base
then 2 gays come to kill me but before they kill me i bank like a 18mil because alredy i have bought tha gang base then 1 kill me and i appear in the strip and then appear ur are banned from this server
¿CAN U EXPLAIN ME WTF HAPPEN?? im a regular player i dont know why im banned :(
I have checked the logs and your story seems to be true.

Do not bank or transfer huge amounts of money again, as our moneycheat-detection-system may see
that as a moneycheat and auto-ban you for it.

Unbanned  :)
Ok Thanks a lot  :)