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Sand(A) avoiding duels.
This is his 4th time doing this (also my 4th time reporting him for the same thing).
In the first video you can see him do the fake crash:

In the second video he says "shit i have to go bye" which he did 5 times, but I didn't want to report, and then joins on an undercover nick spiderman123 saying "hi me new to sarvar". I knew it was him because he joined 1 minute later, got the same ID and the same ping.

After he left here is what came:

[Image: uVQwy0J.png]

Then he came on an undercover nick spiderman123

[Image: 7nTpv8O.jpg]

Saying that he is new to server:

[Image: 5Cw9Cbl.png]

And then he left:

[Image: XrCJmRz.jpg]

And went on Sand nick again in a few seconds:

[Image: 8AHovK5.jpg]

They had the same ping and same ID:

[Image: pwu0Mk7.jpg]
He's been banned. Thanks for your report!