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Sonic doing suicide to avoid death.
Hello, here is a video of Sonic doing a suicide to avoid his own death.

What's weird in this video is that he threw 6 grenades and to take off just 110 health damage, while it took me only 3 to kill me on 200 health.
Could it be him using damage.cs which he was banned before for?

What I see is, it was all by mistake and I am pretty sure he wouldn't just evade death with 10% armour and full health to avoid death doesn't make any sense to me well still lets for any other crew member and see what he says.

and about dmg.cs, I told you already server is bit laggy these days and its dropping players fps so it might be that.
I filmed this the same day, it's weird, you have to admit. Even if it was laggy, 6 grenades would kill him way earlier. 
Even if the server was laggy, you can always deal the same damage to you everytime, try it on your own.
You just can't shoot other players properly while it's laggy.
Close the topic if you don't think so.