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[Unbanned] Unban
Nickname: [SH]Yassir01
Date of the ban: friday ,june 9 th 
Suspected Reason: we do not nade the ship
Extra notes: hi admin slein why i get banned  i don't use any hack  , i just throw granades  . I am not who use hack mr.cool who use it 
If throw granades to shiip is not illegale .plz forgive me i don't know that . And i want ask you to  remove ban i just wanna have fun with my friends and sorry again pls reply to my topic .
Goodmorning mr [SH]Yassir01.
You know why you're banned: nading the ship.
If you do this right you can blast players from the safe zone to the strip, so it's considered to be very lame, so that's why you got banned.
No worries about Mr.cool, it's not yours to decide but he's banned as well.
But, I'm in a good mood, you're unbanned, just don't nade the ship anymore.
Thank you so much slein