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I am a cheater :p
Nice skills dude!
We're in the same train you and me! Byy that I mean you have a good WW style but your RW is weaker (you're probably better than me with a sawnie, we need to duel each other! )

EDIT: k, watched the autocbug thing video, I take back what I said, you busted yourself with your aimbot in it ;)
I'm not gonna go in details, but it was easy noticing it (others might not notice because they don't play much WW). 
Try to be more careful with your smooth aim shit ;)
Can you go into details Harambe? I'm curious to see the aimbot as my eye can't detect it at all
You can't see it easily, as I said you have to have a bit of WW knowledge.. (maybe u don't see the crosshair and that's why :3 )
But yeah, around 2:30 is more obvious, you see he aimlocks and there's a smoothaim thing, the way he's "moving" the mouse resembles a "buggy" aimbot.
You don't need to try and prove that I'm wrong, because honestly, I wouldn't care, samp is full of cheaters and he's not the only one. Here's a better example (not the same person, just to illustrate my idea)
Samp is full of people bragging about skill while it's just hax.

If you really want and if i got Time, I can make a video and compare a proven legit player and this guy. (We both know I'll never make it but u got the point)
Well you got a point when you say that samp is full of people bragging about skill while it's just hack, however I don't think this is the case. Ty for your explanation though!
Believe me he is. For example, look at those moments when he cbugs and "flicks" the camera, he is still cbugging (nothing weird yet), BUT, it's very hard to control this thing, and yet he hits as if he was aiming normally.
It's just need of the many facts, his gameplay is weird. Just go to YouTube and search for "samp tcw" you will find thousands of deagle footage, most of them are legit, compare the 2 gameplay and you have your answer.

After thinking, he could also be legit. If he is, then I apologise (lol), but the facts here are making me believe he is using some kind of assist.
Even if he is legit or not, honestly I wouldn't care, as I said, the SAMP deathmatch community is dying, we're getting overwhelmed by RP-fags lol

K1R4, my last words will be: if you are legit, then congratulations, you're not bad. Otherwise, if you're using assist, I suggest you to take a moment and think about the fact that you are cheating on a 10 year-old game, which is kinda lame.. :p
LMAO aim..... Ok xD 
8 yrs of samp.  Still in need for aimbot xD 
Gl finding more cheats on my video maybe lag.cs n doubledmg.cs
I'm so proud of the fact that my aiming is soo good that it made u think i'm cheating
Next time will record my pause screen to show that i got no cleo lmao
Lol, the cleo watermark can be hidden easily, by ... simply using a cleo.
Now, I want you to know that you don't have to justify yourself, I saw what I saw, others may see whatever they wanna see. I could go into details explaining with a 99999words text on each and every suspicious actions you made, but I honestly do not care.
Have fun pwning newbs

EDIT: forgot to say, don't try to make me believe you're 8y-o in the SAMP community, I know many players that've been playing for 6-7-8 years, and believe me, an old WW'er doesn't play like you :3 ;) And who are you to say that you're 8y-o in here.
Honestly, I know cheats from A to Z, Show me any video if there's even a 1% aim assist I will bust it. Show me any cheat I'll explain to you how it works, and how you can stop it server-sided. I hope you get that I'm not the average samp player, I know everything about samp, may it be server-wise or client-wise, I could write 100 books about how it exactly works

(PS: I think I went too far lol)

(02-18-2017, 08:56 PM)Harambe Wrote: Honestly, I know cheats from A to Z, Show me any video if there's even a 1% aim assist I will bust it. Show me any cheat I'll explain to you how it works, and how you can stop it server-sided.
#harambeformanagement _O-

(02-18-2017, 08:56 PM)Harambe Wrote: I hope you get that I'm not the average samp player, I know everything about samp, may it be server-wise or client-wise, I could write 100 books about how it exactly works
#harambeisgod _O_