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VIPs Improvments!
In this post i'm going to suggest a few improvments we can do as the VIP condition is detoriating.

Tuned car saved at their house: I know i have said this before but this seems special to me and i would love this for only VIPs suites fine.

Spawning vehicles:As this new rule "spawning per 3 mins" Has been done i strongly disagree to that but hello what are VIPs for? So reduce spawning time to 1:30 secs appropriate enough.

Own property: Why not? VIPs are important and in every part of LVP they should have importance so i suggest own property with income from $50,000 to $120,000 income with a little fee of 2 mils in from the Player.
                                              Regards Haunter.
Hi Haunter! Allow me my own thoughts here...

(11-02-2016, 01:31 PM)Haunter Wrote: Tuned car saved at their house: I know i have said this before but this seems special to me and i would love this for only VIPs suites fine.
I could be wrong here, but I do believe this is slated for a later release (note: not in the immediate future, but it will be done eventually).

(11-02-2016, 01:31 PM)Haunter Wrote: Spawning vehicles:As this new rule "spawning per 3 mins" Has been done i strongly disagree to that but hello what are VIPs for? So reduce spawning time to 1:30 secs appropriate enough.
I am highly against this—this was done to prevent abuse of the new system and 3 minutes is honestly more than enough time to spawn a vehicle. In what circumstances would you need less time? Also, do remember that VIPs should never be granted unfair advantages over other players (which this suggestion falls into).

(11-02-2016, 01:31 PM)Haunter Wrote: Own property: Why not? VIPs are important and in every part of LVP they should have importance so i suggest own property with income from $50,000 to $120,000 income with a little fee of 2 mils in from the Player.
While the price range and income should not be chosen by the player, I see little problem with this—plenty of VIPs have properties already. Feel free to poke me when you are next in-game. :)

Thank you for your post! :D
(11-02-2016, 01:39 PM)TEF Wrote: Hi Haunter! Allow me my own thoughts here...

(11-02-2016, 01:31 PM)Haunter Wrote: Tuned car saved at their house: I know i have said this before but this seems special to me and i would love this for only VIPs suites fine.
I could be wrong here, but I do believe this is slated for a later release (note: not in the immediate future, but it will be done eventually).

(11-02-2016, 01:31 PM)Haunter Wrote: Spawning vehicles:As this new rule "spawning per 3 mins" Has been done i strongly disagree to that but hello what are VIPs for? So reduce spawning time to 1:30 secs appropriate enough.
I am highly against this—this was done to prevent abuse of the new system and 3 minutes is honestly more than enough time to spawn a vehicle. In what circumstances would you need less time? Also, do remember that VIPs should never be granted unfair advantages over other players (which this suggestion falls into).

(11-02-2016, 01:31 PM)Haunter Wrote: Own property: Why not? VIPs are important and in every part of LVP they should have importance so i suggest own property with income from $50,000 to $120,000 income with a little fee of 2 mils in from the Player.
While the price range and income should not be chosen by the player, I see little problem with this—plenty of VIPs have properties already. Feel free to poke me when you are next in-game. :)

Thank you for your post! :D

Like you said above "why would you need less time" Ok if you understand this deeply then i am sure your mind will differ if not i cant do anything but if your in a fight you cant spawn it anyway? So whats the need to make it 3 mins i free roam a lot when theres less players and my bike gets lost a lot when i stunt and its to far sometimes bt if i could /nrg fast then it will help me then rather walking. It is also appripriate 1 mins 30 secs
We aren't much important than any other player m8...
I have had this dilemma in me for a long time and now i wanna introduce this new feature along with the /my teleport off 

Gangs,The problem is i am in a fight and my fellow gang members cant tp to me or if i keep it on the other one uses it as a "quick revenge" so i suggest a cmd along with /my teleport off which dissalows all members/players (Except gang members) . Maybe to put a cmd like /teleport settings? Which allow friends / gang members tp.
                                                           Have a nice day