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Top 10 of....
We're collecting a fair amount of information from things that happen in-game. (More than 40 million data points in the past three months!)

Some features have already been rolled out based on this, for example the per-session weapon statistics, many statistics are unlikely to get automated pages of their own.

If there's something about in-game events on Las Venturas Playground that you're dying to know about, make a request in this topic. Eventually one of us will come by with fancy numbers and graphs about the facts you would like to know about. This may take a little while— while many of us are obsessed about data, sometimes it takes some time to actually gather it.

Let me give some examples: Keep in mind that you're likely to have many ideas that we can't visualise yet, too. All the better! :)

How to get the Drift Points ?

I saw'em in /my achievements
[Image: how10.jpg]
I'm fairly sure I broke those. Sorry. Let me disable their display for now :).
Oh i should be in who talks the most i spam the whole gamrplay with Haunter(A):

What about how many vehicles i spawn ?