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so I have two VIP accounts, does this mean that I'm allowed upto 3 houses on each of the accounts? (so 6 houses in total over my two accounts, 3 on each) or am I maxed to 3?
Personally I think 3 per VIP account is fine, but some dude was banging on about it so I'd appreciate some input here, thanks.
Each account is unique and treated as such - 3 houses for each of your VIP accounts works just fine :)
Imo it's not a good thing,considering you will be picking 9 'good houses' which reduces the chance for others to get nice ones.Afaik almost all good houses in los santos are already bought.It's not a big deal I know,just my opinion.
6 houses, Diablo, 6 houses.
But don't you have a third account which you haven't mentioned here? ;) If not,then yes 6.