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[Unbanned] .sMuK_
Nickname: .sMuK_
Date of the ban: 18/09/2016
Suspected Reason: Aimbot
Your IP address: PM you if needed.
Extra notes: Which ever admin banned me is retarded. Played over 8 years and come here from WW servers and get banned, I don't even care if I don't get unbanned. Gracias Amigos.
An (undercover) experienced fighter and an administrator confirmed following a sequence of reports. Your ban will automatically expire in three days.
The ban is bullshit though serious, ill let anyone team view me to prove my innocence... Then this player should get more experience in catching aimbotters. Ive played with TEF maybe this guy can vouch for me.

Fucking hate been accused for shit I aint done, mind the attitude ffs...
You seem to be unbanned now. Have fun in-game!