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Password reset (Ingame; Revelator)
was last ingame at 2012-04-09 19:36:00.

Been quite awhile since I joined ingame, so simply forgot my ingame password.
Unknown if It has the correct email or not, if the same email is used on the ingame account as the forum one it should be correct tho
Have you tried a password reset? https://sa-mp.nl/login/lost-password.html

I can PM you the email address on file if there's no match when submitting the above form.
(07-10-2016, 05:52 PM)George Wrote: Have you tried a password reset? https://sa-mp.nl/login/lost-password.html

I can PM you the email address on file if there's no match when submitting the above form.

No user could be found with the entered information.

is the message that shows up, most likely its using my old email which got "hacked" hence why I have no access to it.

I've set a new password and sent it to you via forum PM.